Rocky ❤️
Today was a big day for this little guy! He checked off some major milestones on his bucket list. He took the best nap snuggled up with Cam, mastered drinking milk from a pail like a pro (seriously, I’ve never seen a foal do it better!), and got to stretch his legs outside in the sunshine. He even chased some humans for fun, made a best friend, and—best of all—got his very own name. ❤️
Rocky, you are already so loved.
Our first foal, Buddy, was born with a defect in his knees that appeared hopeless, but we were determined to give him every chance as long as he wasn’t in pain. He had surgery on both knees and spent his first couple of months with both front legs totally encased in PVC pipes. He quickly learned to lie down and get up on his “Gumby” legs. But, when the time came to remove the pipes, his knees still didn’t support him well. The vet told us to take him home and call him when it “was time.” We were not going to let him suffer, but we wanted him to enjoy what life he had. He was not expected to improve. We prayed. We cried. We watched and waited. Nothing happened until early one morning at feeding time, he jumped up on his little legs and walked normally. We couldn’t believe our eyes. We called the vet to come out. We didn’t tell him why, so he thought he was coming to put Buddy down. Instead, he stood there, awestruck at the little colt romping around his mother.
That was 27 years ago. Buddy carried me on some of the toughest trail rides in the mountains of NC, VA, and GA and never missed a step. He’s now enjoying his retirement and still living his best life. Miracles DO happen.
Fight hard, Rocky! Never give up!