In fact, we have to agree that nobody could have ever anticipated what the British Horse Society volunteers would see when they arrived to a construction site in East Durham, England. They discovered Heidi there, a pony believed to have passed away in the middle of squalor.
But when her body was discovered breathing, the volunteers recognised they were dealing with one of the worst cases of neglect they had ever come across and took urgent action. The representative of Here4Horses Equine Charity said, “The choice was made to give her a chance, and it took five people to bring her to her feet.”
The remarkable journey Heidi took to recovery was later captured in a number of photos that show what a warrior this young child has been. Let’s have a look at Heidi’s remarkable change below, which will make you cry (or cry a river) without fail.
The BHS volunteer was horrified to find what he initially believed to be a dead horse when he got at the scene. Heidi was discovered in the most awful condition, according to Wendy, the charity’s founder and an expert in equine welfare and education.
She told us, “Whether he thought she was already dead is irrelevant—she had been subjected to a lot of pain. When rescuers turned up, they met with a knacker worker who had been contacted by the owner to come and remove her body.” However, the rescue team decided to give the young pony a chance.