“Long shot, but this amazing gelding was my heart horse lost in my mom’s divorce. He has likely passed at this point, but I’d love to know if anyone can tell me how the rest of his life was that would be wonderful.
1999 APHA gelding Mr Ultimate Fox, barn name Junior
Last known location was Tucson, Arizona. Was being sent near Boise Idaho, but last known owners are registered in Phoenix, AZ.
Update: my memory may have been faulty, he left my life around 2004 rather than 2002/2003. I am digging at old memories that pull on some very sore heartstrings thinking about losing him. I appreciate all of the kindness and efforts in finding his current owner.
Update: Maryanne has reached out to me and we have discussed Junior’s current owner and an actual meet up. She has been only kind and honest about how the past events took place. Thank you, Maryanne
To all who know me, thank you for reaching out and I would love to ride with you again. Yes, my mom was the trainer at Mejia Performance Horses and I am happy to talk to those who competed against me or rode with me.

Update: Maryanne is going to contact the current owner, I called the number on his registration and it was disconnected. When I hear back I will update on this post! I have read all of the comments, and I am overwhelmed by the response from the horse community. You are all truly wonderful and I appreciate every kind message and comment. If I can manage a reunion I will video and share with all of you!
Update: Its been found that Junior has transferred owners a couple of times since the owners on his papers had him. The current owners are still being located at this time! I am not giving up hope 

Update: I need your help! Junior was last sold to someone around five years ago that was a 4H leader in Arizona. If anyone can help me get in contact with 4H leadership in Arizona, please send me a PM!”